We Publish Awesome InspirationalBooks
We Publish Awesome InspirationalBooks
chill the f*ck out.
chill the f*ck out.

Standard Agreement for Authors
1. Grant of Rights
The Author grants TGH International the right to prepare the first editions of the book in both print and digital (ebook) format.
Should the Author wish to release a second or subsequent edition(s) of the book, or the same book in a second language, this will be treated as a new book and therefore the Author will enter into a new contract for this edition.
2. Copyright & ISBN
The Author fully declares that they are writing a unique work that is not in breach of another's copyrighted materials or intellectual property.
Responsibility for breaching copyright laws lies with the Author and not with TGH International.
TGH International will include copyright information in all versions of the book indicating that the copyright belongs to the Author.
TGH International shall assign the title with two (2) ISBNs for print and digital release.
3. Delivery of Satisfactory Manuscript
Nine (9) months after the date on which this agreement is signed, the Author must deliver a completed draft manuscript to TGH International.
If the Author wishes to request an extension, it must be done in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the deadline.
Failure to meet the agreed deadlines may result in the nullification of this contract.
Twelve (12) months after the date on which the agreement is signed, the author must deliver a final manuscript together with any necessary permissions for all photographs, illustrations, drawings, and copyrighted material in the manuscript.
If the Author wishes to request an extension, it must be done in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the deadline.
Failure to meet the agreed deadlines may result in the nullification of this contract.
The Author agrees to read, revise, correct, and return promptly all proofs of the work.
The Author will confirm and acknowledge the submission of a final draft of which no further changes can be made.
Should the Author wish to make changes after they have acknowledged a final draft, this will come at an extra cost to the Author and will cause delays to release.
TGH International reserves the right to postpone releasing the book until the manuscript has reached satisfactory standards.
4. Mentoring & Coaching Service
Unless agreed otherwise, the Author will receive six (6) mentoring meetings with a dedicated coach and one (1) overall manuscript review upon completion of a first draft .
The session will last for no more than one (1) hour and will focus exclusively on the content and improvement of the book.
Authors must submit their work at least seven (7) days before the scheduled meeting with their mentor.
All one-to-one mentoring must be completed within six (6) months of starting to work with TGH International, however, this does not include the overall manuscript review.
Editorial Service
The Author is responsible for the final edit of their manuscript and can pursue an editor of their own choosing.
TGH International can provide a proofreading service for the Author at the cost of £5 per 1000 words/ $7 per 1000 words.
TGH International can provide a copyediting service to the Author at the cost of £10 per 1000 words/ $14 per 1000 words.
6. Design Service
TGH International will provide the Author with a graphic design service to produce a book cover including the back and spine for paperback and ebook.
During the design phase, all versions of the design are owned by TGH International.
The Author is expected to present a concept for their book cover to their assigned Designer.
Based on the Author's requests, the Designer will present the Author with three (3) concepts for the book cover.
The Author will select one (1) of these concepts to move forward with.
The Designer will create up to three (3) further revisions of the initial concept and the Author will have the opportunity to provide three (3) rounds of amendments and revisions to the Designer.
If the Author is unsatisfied after three (3) design attempts, they are free to pursue other graphic designers at their own cost and at no cost to TGH International and will not receive any refund.
In the case of Point 7, TGH International has no ownership of the design and is not responsible for any dispute between the Author and third-party graphic designers nor does it have any control regarding their timeframes and turnaround times.
The Author will be reasonable in ensuring that the third-party designer meets TGH International’s distribution standards and specific design guidelines.
The Author can request to have images printed in colour in their book, however, as dictated by our printing companies, once a book has one (1) colour interior image, the entire book print fee is charged as per it being a full-colour book.
The Author must decide on a trim size for this book during the design phase that cannot be changed.
The Author can choose between a gloss or matte book cover
The Author can choose between cream or white paper.
7. Approving the Final Files & Proof Copies
The Author will be given a digital proof copy of their book that they must approve before the book can be sent to print.
Requests for any changes after the Author has approved the design will incur severe delays and incur extra costs and TGH International is not responsible for any of these delays.
Upon approval of the digital files, the Author will be sent one (1) copy of the book in print form. The Author can request changes upon reviewing the printed book at no extra cost for anything that could not have been noticed during the digital phase.
If the Author wishes to make changes to the printed book that could have been detected in the digital phase, there will be time delays and extra costs to the Author.
8. Print & Distribution
The print cost for each book is approx. £1.42 per 100 pages however, costs are set by third-party printing companies and cannot be determined until the final interior file is created.
TGH Internationals makes every effort to ensure that their printed books are accurate and formatted accurately, but they may differ by up to two (2) millimetres from the digital design.
TGH International cannot discount printing costs.
The Author may order copies of their book at cost price.
The Author will give TGH International twenty-one days (21) notice to process a print run for the Author.
Unless otherwise agreed, TGH International will ensure that the above title is distributed worldwide through Print-on-Demand algorithms, which means that small print runs will be carried out to keep up with the anticipated demand.
Upon a final review of the book, the Author will approve worldwide distribution of the title and waives the right to make any further changes to the title.
To ensure best-expanded distribution and availability of the title, the Author has three options for distribution: Amazon KDP (instant release); Ingram Spark (Pre-Order Release) Private Print Runs, or all of the options mentioned. No matter which option the Author chooses, all metadata will be linked back to TGH International through Neilson Books.
There will be a number of notable book retailers offering the book online, including Amazon, Waterstones, Barnes & Noble, etc. To view a complete list of retail partners, please visit the TGH International website or request this information.
The title release date will be advertised by all retailers with a pre-order option via multiple third-party companies.
The nature of working with third-party companies may require TGH International to amend release dates if there are delays beyond their control.
Amazon distribution may take up to thirty (60) days, so we ask the Author to allow a sixty (60) day pre-order period.
Though a pre-order date may be set by the Author and TGH International, Amazon (or other retailers) are in charge of when the title is listed on their website, not TGH International or The Distributor.
As soon as the book is available for pre-order, TGH International will notify the Author.
TGH International has no control over shipping and delivery times, which are controlled by the retailer.
It is likely that Amazon and other retailers will take longer to distribute books during busy times of the year (Black Friday, Christmas, New Year, etc.). This may delay customers' orders. This is not the fault of TGH International.
Our distributors deactivate a rush service from approximately November 15th to January 15th due to excessive shipping demand during this period causing books to take longer to reach our retail partners (including Amazon).
Distribution to bookstores is not guaranteed since this is determined by third-party buyers and bookstore managers.
A bookstore can order any title at the request of a customer.
9. Royalties & Taxes
After deducting the cost of print and retailer fee, all proceeds from this title will be paid directly to the Author.
Within 150 days of publication, the first royalty will be paid, and thereafter every month.
Retailers (e.g. Amazon, Barnes & Noble) will take between 30% - 55% of the retail price depending on the country of sale.
TGH International does not employ the Author and they are responsible for paying their own taxes to the state and country in which they reside.
There may be necessary paperwork (e.g., W-8BEN) for authors who reside in various countries, and the completion of this paperwork is the Author's responsibility.
10. Legal, Warranties, Standards & Indemnification
In this agreement, United Kingdom (UK) law applies. Any legal matters arising from this agreement will be handled in the United Kingdom (UK).
The Author holds TGH International harmless from any liability resulting from consequential loss, special or indirect damages or loss of profits.
By publishing the book in question, the Author agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold TGH International harmless from any legal action.
The Author represents and warrants that they are the sole creator of this work and have the authority to enter into this agreement and grant the rights contained herein.
The Author is responsible for obtaining accurate and necessary insurance relevant to the publication of the work.
The Author warrants that the title does not violate any copyright, liability or slander laws and holds TGH International harmless in the event that these laws are violated.
By signing this agreement, the Author agrees not to take legal action against TGH International.
In breach of the above point, the Author agrees to enter arbitration before bringing any legal action against TGH International
The Author limits the liability of TGH International to no more than 100% of the contract value.
In order to best protect their brand and/or business, the Author is responsible for obtaining any necessary insurance and covers.
11. Sales Reporting
The book's sales figures cannot be accurately reported until 90 days after its release.
If an author requests a rough estimate of sales figures during the pre-order or first 60 days, TGH International is under no obligation to provide the information, since it may not yet be available from the distribution channels.
12. Marketing
Book marketing is not the sole responsibility of TGH International.
TGH International will make a concerted effort to market the book built does not guarantee any sales figures, press mentions or media interviews.
TGH International expects the Author to market, promote and advertise their work.
TGH International standard marketing includes; 10 x Promotional Book Images, 3 x Social Media Posts, 1 x Live Broadcast Author Interview and 1 x Facebook Advertisement.
13. Timescales & Dates
Upon signing the contract, the Author has nine (9) months to submit a completed draft manuscript.
If the Author does not submit a completed draft manuscript by the due date, this contract becomes invalid, unless TGH International grants a formal extension.
Upon signing this contract, the Author has twelve (12) months to submit a final manuscript.
If the Author does not submit a final manuscript by the due date, this contract becomes invalid, unless TGH International grants a formal extension.
Upon release of the book, the Author will have four (4) months of continued support from TGH international.
Following this period, TGH International will prioritise authors who are earlier in the process.
The book's release date will not be determined until all final files, including a hard copy, have been approved by the author.
The Author is expected to respect time and boundaries and to ensure that adequate timescales are in place for manuscript changes, cover design, editorial, and distribution.
14. Working Relationship and Representation
At TGH International, we promote professional relationships based on mutual respect.
It is part of our duty of care to ensure that any contractors or third-party colleagues may work within a safe and nurturing environment, and we will not provide services to authors who are abusive towards our staff or freelance workers.
15. Additional Formats and Editions
If requested by the author, hardback, special or audiobook editions of the title can be created and this will come at an extra cost.
16. Fees & Additional Costs
In order to work with TGH International, the Author agrees to pay the associated fee/fees.
A payment plan can be negotiated between TGH International and the Author, allowing payment to be split over a maximum of six months.
Even if the Author fails to complete the manuscript, all payments must be made according to these terms and conditions.
Additional costs include editing and design services that go beyond what is stated above.
Failure to comply with the agreed payment plan and possible additional fees will result in TGH International terminating this contract.
17. Termination of Contract
In the event that the Author fails to comply with this contract, TGH International shall have the right to terminate the agreement.
Should TGH International go out of business or be acquired by another organization, the Author will keep all rights to their work and have the option to no longer publish their book with TGH International, but will be unable to receive a refund.
This agreement nullifies all previous agreements made both verbally and in writing.